25 Press Release Ideas: What to Write About!

Press releases can be a valuable marketing tool for businesses, as they help get the word out about your organisation and your achievements in the local or national media. A press release is, put simply, a short news story that you send to a journalist in hope that they’ll publish it and share your news with more people than you can typically reach on your blog or mailing list. Want to write a press release but stuck for what to write about? Here are 25 great press release ideas to get you started!

If you’d like a professional copywriter to create a press release for you, then get in touch with me today and see how I can help :)

Some good topics to write a press release about include:

  1. Your new product or service.

  2. A recent new product launch.

  3. Your company rebranding.

  4. An award you’ve won.

  5. Something you’ve done for charity.

  6. Mergers and acquisitions.

  7. A recent or upcoming company event.

  8. New business you’ve recently acquired.

  9. A new partnership.

  10. Product updates or changes.

  11. Information on a new sister company.

  12. Details of your new office or relocation.

  13. Raise awareness of an issue in the industry.

  14. Address a problem or complaint.

  15. A charitable contribution your business has made.

  16. Announce a special occasion or party.

  17. Celebrate an important anniversary.

  18. Changes to a product name or branding.

  19. Host a contest or competition.

  20. Details about new hires.

  21. Show off executive team changes or promotions.

  22. Share the contents of a speech you’ve made.

  23. Launch a crowdfunding campaign.

  24. Discuss survey or market research findings.

  25. Showcase your new or updated website.

Whatever you choose to write about, your press release doesn’t need to be long and wordy. What’s important is that it’s clear, to the point and captivating. Get in touch with me today if you’d like help writing a press release for your small business - from as little as £98!


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